Current Licensees

Continuing Education Requirements

Post-Licensing Education RequirementsContinuing Education Requirements
License Information/Maintenance
Termination/Transfer of Supervision
Transfer to Inactive Status
Errors and Omissions

All licensees renewing in the active status must complete 12 hours of approved continuing education coursework, including any LREC mandatory course topic(s), on or before December 31 each year.  Failure to complete the required continuing education by the December 31 deadline is considered a violation of LREC law and rules and subject to a fine citation.  

Continuing education courses are available through LREC-certified continuing education vendors.


2025 Mandatory – Navigating the New Normal (this course must be taken by both salespersons and brokers renewing in the active status)

There is NO broker specific mandatory course requirement in 2025.

Mandatory course topics must be completed through an approved LREC-certified real estate vendor on or before December 31 as part of the 12-hour continuing education requirement.

Be specific and request the current year LREC Mandatory course topic.

Past Mandatory Course Topics

Initial Licensees Only

  1. Post-license Education is a specific 45-hour requirement that must be completed within 180 days from your initial/upgraded license date.
  2. Continuing Education is an annual 12-hour requirement that includes hours in mandatory course topic(s) specified by the Commission.
  3. In the year completed, post-licensing education hours may be used to satisfy a portion of the 12-hour annual continuing education requirement. Post-licensing education hours shall NOT satisfy any mandatory course topic(s) specified by the Commission.

Failure to complete education requirements timely is a violation of the LREC law and rules.  Questions regarding post license education and/or continuing education may be directed to the LREC Education Division.