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Independent Errors and Omissions Coverage

Complete this form if you are applying for or renewing an active license AND purchasing errors and omissions insurance independently in lieu of the LREC group policy.
Obtain a License & Current Licensees

Initial Salesperson Application Part-A

This fill-in form is Part 1 of 2 of the initial application for a real estate salesperson license. It is designed for use by resident, non-resident, and reciprocal salesperson license applicants. This form must be mailed to the LREC office along with any corresponding fees.
Obtain a License

Initial Salesperson/Broker Application Part-B

This form is Part 2 of 2 of the initial application for a salesperson or associate broker license. This form must be mailed to the LREC office along with any corresponding fees.
Obtain a License
Obtain a License & Current Licensees

Request to Issue License in the Inactive Status

If you do not plan on practicing real estate immediately and/or do not have a supervising broker, you may have your license issued in the Inactive status. This form can be submitted by mail or email. Do not use this form if you are an active licensee seeking to transfer your active license to the inactive status.
Obtain a License

Transfer to Inactive Status

This form is used to transfer a license to inactive status. This form must be mailed to the LREC office along with any corresponding fees.
Current Licensees