DISCLAIMER: The forms enumerated below are provided only as a courtesy and are not required by the Commission. Further, the Commission is prohibited, by law, from providing legal advice, and these forms are not intended as legal counsel.

Sample Property Management Agreement

New Construction Addendum
For use with the Residential Agreement to Buy or Sell

Inspection Response Addendum
For use with the Residential Agreement to Buy or Sell

Home Warranty Disclosure

Waiver of Warranty & Redhibition Rights Addendum

Private Sewerage/Private Water Well Inspection and Options Agreement Addendum
For use with the mandatory Residential Agreement to Buy or Sell. This addendum is not mandatory. Licensees may use this form as-is or modify it to meet individual transaction circumstances.

Disclosure of Information on Residential Sewerage Systems/Private Water Wells Addendum
For use with the mandatory Property Disclosure. This addendum is not mandatory. Licensees may use this form as-is or modify it to meet individual transaction circumstances.