If you are selling your home without an agent you are required to use the following state-mandated forms:
- Residential Property Disclosure Form
The seller of any residential real property must furnish the buyer with the above form, which lists the condition of the property and any known defects in the property. The form must be filled out completely and honestly.
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form
If your home was built prior to 1978, you are required to provide information to buyers about the possibility of lead-based paint being used in the home. Federal law requires that sellers provide buyers with the EPA-approved information pamphlet Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home.
As a non-agent, you are not required to use the state-mandated contract but are allowed to do so if you choose to. The LREC cannot give legal advice on the use of this, or any other, contract.
- Residential Agreement to Buy or Sell Form
The above contract lays out the obligations and expectations of both parties, and once it is signed it becomes a legally binding document.